Friday, January 16, 2015

The Unique Print

There is an intimate pleasure in creating tactile art; a pleasure that is sorely missing from computer-based art. Art of the hand is much more satisfying to the psyche and allows for unique, one-of-a-kind artwork that, while filled with all of the foibles and artifacts and inaccuracies that occur with handmade art, give the art life, and perhaps, even a soul.

I am currently revisiting using instant film in my art, creating emulsion lifts and emulsion transfers, modifying old techniques for the modern emulsions that are coming out of Ilford and Fujifilm. They are quirky, inaccurate, and a bit frustrating at times due to working with cameras and lenses that are 30 to 70 years old, but, they are oh, so satisfying.

Calla Lilies, Anniversary model Speed Graphic camera, Polaroid 4x5 film, Arches watercolour paper